Dating after marriage...

Many people may think that the flames of love begin to dwindle after marriage. Ryangela begs to differ. Our relationship has never been better after being married for almost two years. Just as a great wine comes with age, relationships, if they are the right ones, also improve with age. It's something as a couple you have to want and keep working at. This is why we encourage dating! No matter how busy you may get or how much money you have in you bank account we recommend having a dedicated and consistent date night. Set aside time to build your relationship, to build each other and to just hang out.

Last week Ryan and I had a great night out on the town. We had dinner at RA Sushi downtown (which was great). I've been wanting to eat there only because of the initials RA for RyAngela :) I know corny...Then we headed over to the House of Blues where we had reserved seating to watch Lyfe Jennings! This is hands down the best concert we've ever been to and probably will ever go to. We've been following him for the past three years now, haven't missed a show here in Diego yet! After the concert we walked around the Gaslamp area, not really Ryan's thing, but totally my least until my feet start to hurt. We just weren't ready to go home and call it a night. I didn't want the night to end so we ended up driving to a little place called Extraordinary Desserts! Lovely little place on 5th Avenue that stays open late where the desserts are...just like the name says...extraordinary! We had great coffee, Ryan's was quite strong, great dessert and great conversation as we reflected on the evening!

We just had a wonderful time and although we splurged a bit, it was well worth it. It's times like these that we always look forward to. Times like these that motivate us to work harder to get to a place where all we have to worry about is what we're going to do today!

Our advice is to do something you both like and don't be afraid to show each other something new...a side of you your significant other hasn't quite seen before! Use your dates as you did in the past - to learn more about each other and to enjoy one another's company. The best part about dating as a married couple, is that you can go home together and you don't have to worry about whether you made a good impression or not! Besides, you know when you get home - you're both going to get some :)