Our Plumbing Plummetted!

This weekend has been very interesting...first with our walk around town without getting winded; and then with our 'Plumbing Plummeting!' We've learned so much about our Home Owner's Association (HOA), our insurance coverage, and the local plumbers.

We woke up or came home -- I can't remember -- to our bathroom sink overflowing with water onto our carpeted floor...I know who carpets the bathroom? But this is how we purchased the condo and we didn't have enough funds at the time to upgrade. Now, our bathroom has a deadly stench and we had to sleep in the guest room on my old futon bed. Ryan was not too happy about that. But at least we had another place to sleep as to not inhale the molding now growing on our bathroom floor!

I attempted to clear out the cabinets and make a diagnosis, but Ryan was not having it. So we called Mr. Plumber (no crack in tact - thank God!) who said he would arrived between 4pm and 6pm. I hate when any company gives you a windowed time frame of arrival because they almost always end up coming towards the later...so you end up waiting for what seems like for-ever! So, guess what time he arrives...at 5:55pm! He seems like a nice guy, he refuses to check anything because we are a condo complex and suggests that this may be a situation to bring to our HOA. Ryan and I already had a feeling that plumbing was not covered by HOA, but we gave it a try anyway. Fortunately, Mr. Plumber did not charge us for the house call!

HOA! Not a surprise at all when they hung up on Ryan as he was trying to explain the situation! The receptionist or answering service...whoever she was just started to transfer him assuming she knew who he needed to speak to...instead, she "accidentally" hung up on him! He called back, to hear her say, "Oh, is this Ryan, someone should be calling you within the next hour!

Hour!?! I once was a receptionist and my sister still is, bless her heart, and you just NEVER assume you know who the person on the other line needs to speak with...it's just plain rude! Second, even if she was to transfer him, she should have taken down his phone number just in case they lost a connection (which they did, I mean how was Ryan supposed to know she actually did her job unless he had called back) -- she also should have asked if it was okay for her to connect him, tell him who she was connecting him to and then given Ryan a number to call just in for further assistance! This my friend is what a true receptionist with great customer service skills 'should have' done!

In the words of my BABE aka Cousin Shelly , "Where's your manager?"

Anyway, the tail end of this part of story is that someone did call from HOA. Low and behold, they are not responsible for any of the damage that occurred in our bathroom. So we checked our insurance. I swear, this is the kind of stuff one should read about at the time of purchasing a home...BUT there is so much to read...we would have fallen out of escrow by then! HAHA!

On to insurance coverage. Don't you just hate how you have to pay out to your insurance company every month or year, however you have it set up? Then, you have to pay a co-pay for when something something actually happens only to discover your insurance just doesn't cover it, at least to the extent that you'd like it to!

I know it seems as though I', taking a negative attitude towards this but I'm really just venting! I'm sure you or someone you know has gone through a similar situation. I know we'll get through this; it's just one of those days or should I say weekends! Ryan is off at Home Depot and I'm waiting for Rescue Rooter to come rescue us from this nightmare. He's scheduled to arrive between the hours of 10am and 2pm. Hmmm...it's 1:10pm, I think he'll be here at 2pm! What do you think?

I'll keep you posted on this adventure. Thanks for listening to me vent and for reading RyAngela Exposed!